Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 2014

A winter emergency can happen at any time. To ensure that you and your loved ones are safe, be prepared. Keep several days’ worth of the following items aside.
Foods that need no cooking or refrigeration
  •   Bread
  •   Crackers
  •   Cereal
  •   Canned food
  •   Dried fruits and nuts
  •   Baby food if you have young children
    It’s possible, in a winter emergency that pipes may freeze or rupture. Keep water stored, either in clean containers or purchased from the store. Keep 5 gallons per person stored.

    Keep a stock of necessary medications available for family members. Even in the winter some medications have to be refrigerated. Be sure you have a small cooler for those items.
    Emergency Supply Kit
  •   Alternate way to heat your home during a power failure
    - dry firewood for a fireplace or wood stove
    - kerosene for kerosene heater
    - portable generator (NOTE: often used in rural areas, but they come with their own set of cautions)

  •   Furnace fuel coal, propane, oil
  •   Gas powered space heater with automatic shut-off switch and non-
    glowing elements (NOTE: if power is off, won’t be able to use electric
    heater, but if you do, it also comes with its own set of cautions...)
  •   Blankets
  •   Matches
  •   Multipurpose, dry chemical fire extinguisher
  •   First aid kit
  •   Flashlight or battery powered lantern
  •   Battery-powered radio and/or crank emergency radio
  •   Battery-powered clock or watch
  •   Extra batteries
  •   Non-electric can opener
  •   Snow shovel
  •   Rock salt
  •   Special needs items diapers, hearing aid batteries, medications, etc.)
    Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety.